Tuesday 16 August 2011


You will need;
15oz / 2 packs of lady fingers
6 eggs
1 cup of coffee
10 tablespoon of sugar
21/3 cups mascarpone cheese
unsweetened cocoa powder

1.) Separate the egg yolks and whites.
2.) Cream the white egg with half the portion of sugar until thick and light.
3.) In a separate bowl. Whisk the egg yolk with the remaining sugar.
4.) Add mascarpone cheese. Mix well. Add the cream of egg white.
5.) Dip the lady fingers with coffee. Arrange one layer of it onto a deep casserole dish.
6.) Then spread the layer with mascarpone mix. Sprinkle all over with cocoa powder.
7.) Repeat layer by layer.
8.) End the last layer by sprinkle all over with cocoa powder.
9.) Rest them in the refrigerator for about 2 to 3 hours.
10.) And you're ready to serve! :) 

Happy trying,

much love,

Thursday 11 August 2011

Chocolate brownies.

A simple chocolate walnut brownies recipe
You will need;
200g caster sugar * if you want it sweeter add (+50g)
185g butter (room temperature)
185g plain chocolate drops/cooking chocolate
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 large eggs
110 g plain flour
1 tablespopn of butter for greasing
150g chopped walnuts

1.) Grease your baking pan, put your baking sheet on top.

2.) Preheat the oven to 160 celcius.
3.) Melting the chocolate and butter. Fill a saucepan with water, put a bowl on top of the saucepan. Remember the water should not touch the bottom of the bowl.
4.) Cut the butter, Put them in the bowl and add chocolate.
5.) Cook over slow fire. Stir until melt thoroughly. Remove the bowl from the pan. Let it cool.
6.)Add sugar, eggs and vanilla extract. Whisk together.
7.) Add chocolate. Whisk and add flour. Mix well.
8.) And finally add walnuts.
9.) You are almost done, pour the mixture onto your prepared baking pan and bake for 20-30 minutes.
10.) Let it cool and you are ready to serve! :)
Soo simplee and yet soo goood! :)

Happy trying,

much love,

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Berbuka puasa at Marche with the clans.

 Juice station!
 Mushroom, rosti and chicken ham.
 Mashed potatoes.
Oh and you'll get free haagen Dazzs icecream tooo :)

Tuesday 9 August 2011

All time favourite meat lasagna.

You will need;
250g San Remo instant lasagna
2 tbspn oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
500g beef minced
2 400g canned tomatoes (diced)
2 cups chicken stock
salt and pepper to taste
pinch of nutmeg
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
2 cups milk
125g mozarella cheese or cheddar cheese

Meat sauce
1.)Heat oil in a saucepan. 
2.)Add onion, carrot and garlic, cook until soft. 
3.)Add beef minced, cook until brown. 
4.)Stir in tomato paste, canned tomatoes, and chicken stock. 
5.)Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. 
6.)Cover and cook gently for 20 minutes.

Cheese sauce
1.)Melt butter in a separae saucepan, stir in flour and cook for 2 minutes over gentle heat.
2.)Remove from heat, stir in milk.
3.)Return to heat, stir until thick and smooth.
4.)Season with salt, pepper and add mozarella or cheddar cheese, stirring over low heat until cheese melts.

1.)Preheat oven to 180 celcius.
2.)Pour 11/2 cup of the meat sauce into a lightly greased baking dish.
3.)Alternate layers of lasagna, meat and cheese sauce, ending with the cheese sauca layer on top ( allow for 4 layers)
4.)Sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese, bake in oven for 35-40 minutes or until cooked through (test if cooked by pricking with fork)
5.)Let stand for 5 minutes and ure ready to serve! :)

Much love,

Almost famous chocolate chip cookies.

You will need ;
3/4 pound butter
3/4 cup vegetable shortening/corn oil
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
11/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups all purpose flour
7 ounces coconut, flaked
1 pack choc chip
6 ounces pecans/almonds

1.) Combine as listed.
2.) Ball up to 2 inch balls and flatten them.
3.) Bake for 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
4.) You are done and ready to serve!

Happy trying :D

much love,


For the pasty,
you will need ;
300 ml water
100 gm butter/margerine
4 eggs
130 gm plain flour

1.) boil water, add butter.
2.) while still boiling, add flour.
3.) stir and let cool for 20 minutes.
4.) beat in eggs (one at a time)
5.) pipe in mixture onto prepared baking sheet (butter & flour baking sheet)
6.) bake at 200 celcius until brown.

For the fillings;
21/2 tablespoon custard powder
70gm sugar
2 eggs
a pinch of salt to taste
250ml water + 3 pandan leaves (blend and strain juice)
125ml evaporated milk

1.) Mix all ingredients.
2.) Cook over slow fire until thick.

3.) Pipe in mixture into the puff pastry. 

4.) Dust over with icing or powdered sugar.

Happy trying,
much love,

Look whos here :)

Thank you for visiting. 
Stay tuned for more new delightable recipes :)

much love,

Udang masak lemak cili api.

Mum's recipe :)

Bahan bahan ;
500gm udang (sederhana besar)
5 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih 
 kunyit hidup secukupnya
halia secukupnya
10 batang cili padi (ikut tahap kepedasan)
1 packet santan
1 batang serai
asam keping (1 keping)
garam secukup rasa

1. Kisar sekali bawang merah, bawang putih, kunyit, halia, cili padi.
2. Masukkan santan ke dalam periuk bersama-sama bahan yang dikisar.
3. Kacau sehingga menggelegak di atas api yang sederhana.
4. Masukkan serai, asam keping dan udang.
5. Tambah garam secukup rasa.
6. Agak dah masak, tutup api dan bolehlah dihidangkan.
* note ; boleh dihidang untuk 4-5 orang
           ; boleh juga guna ketam, ikan tenggiri, daging lembu dan ayam
Selamat mencuba :)

much love,

Crazy about macaroni and cheese?

This is a traditional recipe from a friend.
You wil need ;
1 2/3 cups dry, small elbow macaroni, cooked and drained
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard *optional
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 can evaporated milk
1 cup water
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 cups shredded sharp Cheddar cheese, divided
1.) Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease 2-quart casserole dish. 
2.) Combine cornstarch, salt, mustard and pepper in medium saucepan. Stir in evaporated milk, water, and butter. Cook over medium-heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Stir in 1 1/2 cups cheese until melted. Add macaroni; mix well. Pour into prepared casserole dish. Top with remaining cheese. 
3,) Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until cheese is melted and light brown. 

much love,

Monday 8 August 2011

Chocolate macarons :)

As now macarons are very popular so i tried this recipe which i found in a website. The recipe is simple and just nice, not too sweet :)

You will need ;
175 g icing sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 medium white eggs
30 g caster sugar
90 g ground almonds

For the filling ;
6-8 tablespoons hazelnut chocolate spread
Piping bag fitted with 1 cm piping tube

1.) Sift the icing sugar together with the cocoa powder onto a bowl. Do it twice until it is combined well together.
2.) In a separate bowl, add white eggs together with caster sugar. Whisk until thick and u can actually turn the bowl up side down to know the mixture is ready.
3.) So now sift the icing sugar and cocoa mixture in the bowl of white eggs, then add ground almonds. Mix with a spatula slowly. Mix it gently as the mixture is quite stiff and dry. Mix well.
4.) Spoon mixture in a piping bag.
5.) Pipe the mixture onto a baking sheet, if u want a better shape, rest it well for at least 30 minutes.
6.) Bake for 25 minutes for about 150 degrees.
7.) Let it cool then spread the fillings onto the macarons, and sandwich it with another macaron.
8.) Ure done and ready to serve! :)

much love,

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting recipe.

This is a recipe i got from my mums old cookbook :)
You will need ;

The carrot cake
2 cups sugar
2 cups all purpose flour, plus more for pans (to flour the pan)
2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon of salt (to taste)
11/2  cup of vegetable oil (olive oil, sunflower oil or others)
4 eggs
3 cups of grated carrots
1 cup of chopped pecans (optional)

* note ; preheat the oven to 350 degrees 
1.) Mix all the dry ingredients ; sugar, flour, baking soda, ground cinnamon, and salt. Mix well.
2.) Add vegetable oil, add eggs, one at a time, then mix well.
3.) Finally add the grated carrots and a cup of pecans, then mix well.
4.) Pour onto 2 prepared 3 9'' round baking pan with a ( greased and floured) baking sheet.

* note ; this recipe is for a double layer cake with a cream cheese frosting in the middle layer. So if u want to make a single layer cake, just use any size, 2 or 3 baking pans, depends on how thick u want it to be.

 Cream cheese frosting 
8 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup of butter
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
4 cups pwdered sugar
1/2 cup heavy cream

1.)  Use a mixer, mix all ingredients untill smooth * if its too thick, add water.
2.) Careflly stack the cake, and smoothe the frosting on top. Do it layer by layer.
3.) Sprinkle some chopped pecans on top. Aaand youre done and ready to serve! :D

This is my singled layer carrot cake :)

Happy trying lovelies :)

much love,

Ramadhan Al Mubarak :)

Salam and hello lovelies,

Selamat berpuasa to all muslims around the world, stay tuned for our new recipes :)

Much love,

Welcome :)

Salam and hello lovelies :)

Mylittlekitchen would like to share our excitement and welcome all you bloggers to our newly open cooking blog. We like to experiment our recipes with different tastes and textures. We try to keep our recipes simple but still tasting great. We do cooking and trying new recipes as a hobby, so we decided to combine them and create a recipe blog. It has been a wonderful way to organize our recipes and share them at the same time. 

Much love,